Contact us

Address: No.12, North of Chuangye Road, Gedian Development Zone, Ezhou City, Hubei, China.

Domestic   Marketing    : +86-27-59370818

International Marketing : +86-27-59370808

Sweet Application Dept. : +86-27-59370800

Fax: +86-27-59370801


You are here: Home >>Complaint and Advice


All complaints are including quality of product, market, technical services, transport and all different kinds of business.


Handing complaint

Customer complaints will send directly to general manager by e-mail and the final solution should be carried out after general manager approving. We will fill in the customer complaints form and have a meeting immediately with related person to find the problems once we received complaints from clients. After receiving the clients complaints within week, our team will communicate with clients to provide solutions under clients approved. After solving the complaints, our team will track clients regular to avid the same complaints in future until our clients to give us a good evaluate.


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华甜 纽甜
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