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    Monk Fruit Extract

    Monk Fruit Extract
    Name: Monk Fruit Extract

    Product Name: Monk Fruit Extract



    Monk fruit is a kind of small sub-tropical melon which is mainly cultivated in the remote mountains of Guilin, Southern China. Monk fruit has been used as a good medicine for hundreds of years.

    Monk fruit Extract is 100% natural white powder or light yellow powder extracted from monk fruit. 



    100% Natural sweetener, Zero- calorie.

    120 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.

    Taste closed to sugar and no bitter aftertaste

    100% water solubility.

    Good stability, stable in different pH conditions (pH 3-11)



    In 1996, Monk fruit extract had approved to be used as a sweetener by China FDA.

    In 2002, US FDA had approved monk fruit extract to be used in food & beverage.

    Monk Fruit Extract Standard in China: GB1886.77-2016.



    Monk fruit extract can be added in food & beverge based on production needs as per GB2760 regulations.

    Monk Fruit Extract fit for foods, beverages, candy, dairy product, supplements and flavors.



    20% Mogroside V,25% Mogroside V,30% Mogroside V,40% Mogroside V,

    50% Mogroside V,55% Mogroside V, 60% Mogroside V.

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