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Address: No.12, North of Chuangye Road, Gedian Development Zone, Ezhou City, Hubei, China.

Domestic   Marketing    : +86-27-59370818

International Marketing : +86-27-59370808

Sweet Application Dept. : +86-27-59370800

Fax: +86-27-59370801


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HuaSweet becomes the first licensed enterprise for Neotame Production License as Feed Additive in China

    On November 1, 2020, Wuhan HuaSweet Co., Ltd. Successfully pasted the audit carried out by provincial feed expert team and obtained Neotame Production License as Feed Additive, which marked it is the first legal enterprise in China to obtain Neotame Feed Additive Production License.


    On September 26, 2014, Wuhan HuaSweet Co., Ltd. became the first enterprise in China to obtain Neotame Production License as Food Additive. It has made outstanding contributions in the food and feed industries and led the development of the industry comprehensively.




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